Though I am not sad to enter into 2009, I am Thankful and Grateful for all the abundant blessings I received in 2008. As yesterday's video shows, (I really recommend you see it - just scroll down a bit!) there were some great laughs. My friends kept me afloat - thank you all. N. gave me unvarnished truth that I needed to hear ("yes you can, just go do it"). H and N (different N) taught me the meaning of grace. f.o.r.e.v.e.r grateful for that. Laurie, always my girl, always on my side. Tanya...partner in dance. My work peeps, especially R, helped me breathe when I thought there was no oxygen left. They put up with me with seemingly unrelenting acceptance and for that I am so thankful.
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted"
That is so true. So thanks to all of you who offered small acts of kindness because it helped me get through the day. Danielle. Odinie. Ari. My new-found (re-discovered?) friends from HS. All of you. My heart is full.

My Senseis, my training partners, especially Lori. No broken bones in six months! Let's keep that winning streak going!
So healthy, happy 2009, y'all! Keep counting your blessings and making the world just a little better than the way you found it!
Peace out!