Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Remember this post about "frooties"? Check out what they look like underneath the pink sweetness! And they taste like an air freshener.

And remember my mom's cupcakes? Look what I found in their freezer...
That is my dad's handwriting, which means that she gave him explicit instructions to ensure that he properly wrap, label and place the...

yes, the mini linzer tarts. Two of them. And they were mini - the size of oreos. Why would they even be left over? I can just see it now, maybe they were leaving for a trip and she didn't want to take them, didn't want to eat them, and didn't want to throw them away. I can hear her barking, "Ramon! Hurry - wrap the 2 mini linzer tarts and get them in the freezer before we leave!!!"

And finally, something overcame my mom this past summer, maybe it was the chemo, but she went on a crusade. She read an article that spices should be kept in the freezer. She mailed me the article. Mailed. It. To. Me. I see her all the time, but she had to mail it to me. She also emailed it to me and handed me a paper copy. She talked about it, ruminated, brought it up in her book club. And she acted on it! A woman of action!


Anonymous said...

Lol. So, did you heed her advice and put your spices in the freezer too?

heidi said...

I heart Alice.xoh p.s... word verification is "crises"